
J-GOP is a social and political organization that is more than 20 years old. Meeting at the East Side Kosher Deli in SE Denver for many years with 20 to 40 attendees on a regular basis. We welcome both Conservative and Republican minded Jews and non-Jews of any denomination to attend and become active members of our organization.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Anyone want to know the definition  of "AUDACITY"?  HERE IT IS!
Secret Service Buys Two New  $1.1 Million Buses for a Three-Day Presidential  Campaign Trip while Obama flies ahead of the  buses.
U.S. President Obama walks to Obama’s bus once  he arrives  in Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport ,  Minnesota , August 15, 2011, where Obama is to begin Obama's three-day “bus” tour in the  Midwest  centering on the  economy. Obama FLIES into an airport somewhere in  the Midwest, hops into one of two brand new $1.1 Million buses,  paid for by you and me, for a ”bus” tour around the Midwest' and,  after an hour or so, gets driven back to the airport for ANOTHER  FLIGHT, lands at another airport, where another $1.1 Million brand  new black Canadian bus is waiting for Obama - and then, repeats  all that until Obama's Midwest "bus" tour is done!!  [These  buses are Canadian-built, by the way, because Obama is SO  CONCERNED about American manufacturing, creating American jobs and  supporting American productivity.]  Oh yes... and THEN, Obama leaves on a 10  day vacation to  Martha's Vineyard ...  To REST UP from this grueling campaign  “bus” tour! And don't forget... those brand new  shiny black Canadian buses AREN'T DRIVEN to the location where they meet  Obama.  Oh, no…They are loaded up on one or more C-17s so  they can be flown to the destination  ahead of Obama who is flying in Air Force One.  

AND!.. Believe it or not…this process is  REPEATED FOR EVERY CAMPAIGN STOP.
During this “bus” tour, Obama will  lecture the 'little people' on how they need to live within their  means while hinting of possible future government cut-backs and a  need to raise revenues (aka: taxes)!
Remember, too, Obama’s “sage advice” to a family man to 'GO BUY A HYBRID VAN' when the man said he couldn't afford to  fill up his truck'!!!!!!
Obama's personal 'carbon footprint' must be as  large as most cities by now.
Unbelievably, ALL of this is on the  taxpayers’ dime!  But remember, this is NOT a campaign trip  - It is a "Meet With the People" trip only!
Consequently, the Democrat National  Committee does NOT have to pay a cent for all of this extravagant  'campaign' spending.
Please forward this on to all of your  taxpaying and voting friends so that they, too, can see just why the federal government needs more  of our taxes for revenue!  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jewish Republicans of Colorado - February 15 Speaker

Jewish Republicans of Colorado
A special reason to hear our next speaker.
Dear Friends
As you may know, I was born in the Soviet Union. Growing up in the evil empire,
I had ample opportunity to learn that Jew-hatred comes in many forms. Soviet newspapers,
for example, never said anything derogatory about Jews. Instead, they always attacked
Zionist Bankers, Israeli Militarists, etc. These were the code words that everyone
knew referred to JEWS.
My family and I came to the United States in 1978, as political refugees. With the
collapse of the Soviet Empire, I was hoping those of us who consider ourselves to
be part of the Western Civilization, Jews and Christians alike, could look to the
future free from fear and the terror of Communism and religious intolerance.
After 9/11, it became obvious that this bright future was not to be. The survival
of Jews, as well as the Western Civilization, is threatened by the resurgence of
criminal Islamic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.
The situation is particularly dangerous, because these criminal groups are infiltrating
the political institutions of Western Society and finding or buying willing collaborators.
Most, but not all, of these Quislings are on the political left - Carter, Obama,
ACLU, etc.
During the long history of our people, we had many bloodthirsty enemies from the
biblical Haman and the Philistines, to the Russian Czars with their pogroms, to
Hitler, Stalin, Arafat and today's Ahmadinejad with Iranian Ayatollahs. In the
past, we have always triumphed over our enemies, but today the situation is much
more complicated.
In a number of Western European nations, because of violence from Muslim gangs,
many Jews, as well as Christians, are afraid to leave their homes. In the United
States, many secular Democrat Jews are openly siding with the corrupt Washington
establishment against their fellow Jews, Christians, Israel and the West.
We have all seen recently open expressions of anti-Semitism from the "Occupy Wall
Street" gangs. There is no question that we have a brutal battle coming our way.
The outcome of this battle will determine the survival of Western Civilization
and Israel.
In order to more fully explain the situation in the Middle East, the Colorado Jewish
Republicans have invited a remarkable speaker in February. David Dolan is a Christian
journalist, who lives in Israel. Formerly with CNN, David has a unique insight into
the conflict between Western Civilization and the criminal Islamic entities.
Also, in order to arm us with additional relevant facts, I recommend "The Zionist
Imperative" By CAROLINE B. GLICK of Jerusalem Post (see below).
God Bless,
Gregory Golyansky, President,
Colorado Jewish Republicans
The Zionist imperative
By CAROLINE B. GLICK, The Jerusalem Post
January 27, 2012
We must hope that world Jewry will recognize today that the fate of
the Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world is indivisible.
European and American perfidy in dealing with Iran's nuclear weapons
program apparently has no end. This week we were subject to banner
headlines announcing that the EU has decided to place an oil embargo
on Iran. It was only when we got past the bombast that we discovered
that the embargo is only set to come into force on July 1.
Following its European colleagues, the Obama administration announced
it is also ratcheting up its sanctions against Iran... in two months.
Sometime in late March, the US will begin sanctioning Iran's third
largest bank.
At the same time as the Europeans and the Americans announced their
phony sanctions, they reportedly dispatched their Turkish colleagues
to Tehran to set up a new round of nuclear talks with the ayatollahs.
If the past is any guide, we can expect for the Iranians to agree to
sit down and talk just before the oil embargo is scheduled to be
enforced. And the Europeans - with US support - will use the existence
of talks to postpone indefinitely the implementation of the embargo.

Join us for the next monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30pm
East Side Kosher Deli
499 South Elm Street
(at Virginia Ave)
Denver, CO 80247

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 15th Meeting - David Dolan

February 15 Speaker: David Dolan
David Dolan, born and raised in Idaho wrote an excellent summary of the Arab-Israeli
conflict in his book, "Holy War for the Promised Land: Israel at the Crossroads."
Based in Jerusalem since 1980, David has experienced daily life in Israel. He
states, "I am frankly amazed that the perennially despised Jews, facing not only
stones and firebombs, but real threats of annihilation from Arab neighbors (by
a gas attack no less) have not reacted more harshly than they have." He quotes the
Hamas Charter to give us an idea of what Israel is up against today.
CBS Radio hired David in 1988 to cover such events as the First Palestinian Uprising,
Immigration of Soviet Jews, 1991 Gulf War, and the 2000 Palestinian Attrition War.
No longer with CBS, David travels the world speaking to Christian, Jewish, and
civic organizations about Israel and current events.
David is a popular guest on shows such as Jan Parshall's America Online because
of his ability to assess world events in relationship to the effect on Israel.
He continues to write independently about current events and Israel in both articles
and books, as well as travel the world speaking about the importance of standing
with Israel. To read any of his updates please visit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
March 21st Speaker: Dr. Neil Dobro

Dr. Neil Dobro is the Director of Americans Against Terrorism ( ).
The group was founded in 2002 to campaign against the global war, currently being
waged by terrorists.
In 2003 AAT organized the nation's first "anti-anti-war" rally: calling for the
removal of Saddam Hussein and supporting coalition troops.
That rally drew international attention, and two days later Dr. Dobro debated a
leftist college professor before millions of viewers on the Hannity-Combs show on
Fox News.
AAT has since drawn 3,000 or more to the State Capitol to support Israel in the
second Lebanon war with Hizbullah, and the 2010 war in Gaza against Hamas.
In 2011 AAT hosted the Son of Hamas and brought almost 1,000 to a meeting in the
Jewish community to hear him.

Save the date:
Thursday, March 22
Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer

PAMELA GELLER is the founder, editor and publisher of and executive
director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization
of America (SIOA).
She is the author of Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the
Resistance (WND Books) and The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's
War on America with Robert Spencer (Simon & Schuster).

ROBERT SPENCER is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom
Center, and the author of ten books, including two New York Times bestsellers, The
Truth About Muhammad and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
(both Regnery).

Thursday, March 22, 2012 @ 7:00 P.M. (Doors open at 6:30 P.M.)
Faith Bible Chapel
6250 Wright Street 
Arvada, CO 80004 (West Campus @ 62nd & Ward Road)
No Admission Fee
Sponsored and Supported by:
Stop Islamization of America
Jihad Watch
Clarity Alliance
Jewish Republicans of Colorado

Help cover the cost of this educational event by making your tax deductable contribution to:
Clarity Alliance
(nonprofit 501(c)(3), FEIN 03-0494318)
104 Willow Pl North
Broomfield, 80020

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bill Whittle shares what Evil, Greedy, Fascist, Racist we Republicans are.