From: Robert Zubrin
I'm going to debate Phil Cafaro, a professor of Philosophy at Colorado State University and president of the International Society for Environmental Ethics, who says that we need to stop immigration and impose population control in order to stop global warming. Colorado Christian University will host the event on the evening of Monday April 15.
Here is an article I wrote refuting him in National Review.
His ideas going beyond immigration are even more shocking. In his book "Life on the Brink" (intro by Paul and Anne Ehrlich) he states that he does not merely wish to cut off immigration to the USA, he wants to cut the US population to 100 million people. He says "The last thing the world needs is more Americans."
He also wants to cut the world population down from its current 7 billion to 2 billion, and use the denial of US foreign aid as a method to coerce third world countries to accept population reduction.
And that's just for starters...
His co-author, David Foreman, the founder of Earth First, objects to feminist interference in the family planning movement, on the grounds that some of them have the temerity to insist that a woman's right to chose also includes the right to choose to have children. He says they have no such right.
This is going to be an incredible debate. Cafaro's views really bring in to focus the antihuman totalitarianism that is implicit in the "carbon control" and zero growth movement, and perhaps may enlighten people as to the final destination of the train many seem so willing to hop aboard.
I hope that you will spread the word about the event, come to the debate, and write about it afterwards.
Here is the debate link
Debate: Are People the Problem?
Centennial Institute presents a debate on this clash of visions. "Resolved: To help slow global climate change, the U.S. should reduce immigration and stabilize our population, as part of efforts to cut back sharply on greenhouse gas emissions." That's the proposition Cafaro will affirm and Zubrin (pictured) will negate.
The Issue Monday debate will take place on Monday, April 15, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the CCU Beckman Center. Admission is free and all are welcome, but reservations are required. Complete the RSVP form below or call 303-963-3424 to reserve your space. The CCU Beckman Center is located at 180 S. Garrison Street, Lakewood CO 80226