From: Kareen Davison
To: greg golyansky
Sent: Thu, Jun 14, 2012 11:49 pm
Metro State Community College
Campus Box 1
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217
President Stephen Jordan and Board of Trustees:
Your flagrant disregard for the hard working, overtaxed middle class is unbelievable.
You are ringing the dinner bell for more illegal immigrants to flood into Colorado insuring that more tax money will be required to subsidize these outrageous benefits.
American citizens, from states other than Colorado, pay over $16,000.00 to attend colleges/ universities here, but you are only to happy to have the middle class foot the majority of the bill to allow illegal immigrants to enjoy the same benefits for
You give enrollment slots for entrance to illegal immigrants rather than U.S./Colorado citizens. Again, the middle class is penalized.
Tax money is used to pay the salaries of professors/instructors. You steal form the middle class to pay the gap left by illegals getting their tuition breaks.
With higher education clamoring for more money, you take your share and squander it on illegals rather than helping deserving citizens. Again, shoving the faces of the middle class into the mud.
“Give us more money,” you cry! Yet, you obviously are not responsible enough to use it wisely. You have turned against the middle class, the people who pay for your very existence.
If you would like to declare yourself a private school, then I have no problem with how you choose to allocate your tax based revenue.
The majority of Colorado citizens do not want this. Our Legislature voted against it.
You are breaking the law!
The parents of illegals know that they are breaking our laws when they come here, but they don’t care. They expect the middle class to fall in line and be happy to give them these and other benefits.
If you are going to use the excuse that they want a better life, then list the number of people, who don’t want a better life. In fact, why don’t we use all the planes, trains and automobiles to go around the world, collect all people who want a better life and put them here? After all, they deserve the same privileges as those who sneak across our borders and live off our generosity or should I say stupidity.
Many of theses problems can be traced back to some voter grubbing, spineless politicians.
Their chief objective is to be reelected! They could care less about the middle class or how they abuse and waste hard earned tax dollars.
I vehemently hope that you will reconsider this insult to the taxpayers of Colorado and resend your decision.
Kareen Davison.
CC: Representative Cheri Gerou
Senator Pat Steadman
Nancy McCallin, CCCS President
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