By Judy Aron, January 24, 2013
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LETTER: CT rabbis have a misguided view on the issue of 'gun control'
Rabbi Dovid Bendory of Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), says that 'gun control' means putting the authority to decide who has the right to defend him or herself with a firearm into the hands of a government bureaucrat and that a more honest name for this process would be "victim disarmament." History teaches us that in every instance, from the slaughter of the Turks in Armenia to the Holocaust and many other instances before and after that, the person with the gun will always control the person without the gun and absent a firearm the strong will always control the weak.
Jews are commanded by G-d to value all human life. How can one truly value human life if one advocates laws that leave people completely defenseless in the face of the criminal predators who roam our streets and break into our homes? That these laws are promulgated and advocated by those who are protected by armed guards around the clock is the height of hypocrisy.
Not surprisingly, some of them are derived directly from the misguided social policies put in place by the very lawmakers who now want to compound the problem of violence in our communities, especially in those communities where well meaning social policies have torn the fabric of our social order.?In my opinion, this mindless push for 'gun control' is shameful, and a rabbinate that ignores the cold facts that surround this controversy and takes the easy, emotional way out is acting contrary to what our history and literature teach us and is complicit in the larger tragedies that will unfold if they succeed.
Judy Aron, West Hartford CT
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