For those of us who didn't go to the recent veterans march in DC the photos tell the story. My favorite is the last one.
- To move forward, we must prepare the way.
- Today the Million Vets March is taking place in D.C. and around the country. It will be interesting to see how much news coverage it receives. I’m sure there weren't a million vets, but there were a heck of a lot of them:
- The hated Barrycades have come down:
- This man’s sign says, “By order of the American people, this site, and all other federally held grounds, are OPEN to the PUBLIC.”
- These veterans are at the WWII memorial:
- This guy may be a WWII veteran, but he still looks pretty tough. His shirt says, “Home of the free because of the brave.” Pretty sure he is one of those in the latter category:
- The younger generation salutes the old:
- The vets didn’t just crash the WWII memorial; this big crowd besieged the Lincoln Memorial:
- Another crowd went to the White House to express their displeasure:
- I like this sign, too: “Less government, more fun.” Maybe that slogan can help with the youth vote:
- Some of the Barrycades may never be seen again:
- And finally, this symbolic shot:
- Obama’s closing of the parks and barricading of monuments was stupid, but so far he doesn’t seem to have paid much of a price. The press will try to keep today’s events secret, but I doubt whether they can succeed. Time will tell, but this seems like the sort of revelatory moment that will reverberate and gain force with time. Ronald Reagan used to say that the United States is a nation that has a government, not the other way around. That is a lesson that all of the elected Rep's and Sen's(in Washington) desperately need to learn.
- UPDATE: The vets marched off with some of the Barrycades and dumped them at the White House fence:
- FURTHER UPDATE: Here are a couple more. This legless vet is transporting a Barrycade to the White House:
- In another world, that photo would be on the evening news. Or maybe this one:
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