
J-GOP is a social and political organization that is more than 20 years old. Meeting at the East Side Kosher Deli in SE Denver for many years with 20 to 40 attendees on a regular basis. We welcome both Conservative and Republican minded Jews and non-Jews of any denomination to attend and become active members of our organization.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thousands making trip to see ice caves made accessible by frozen Lake Superior | Fox News

No doubt, Obama will want to take credit for this when it is actually G-d reminding everyone that "climate change" is not something humans have any control over. Economic opportunity, however, is a benefit only big government can mooch and loot from "We the People". In 2014, throw out the looters and the moochers!

"Small businesses in Cornucopia and Bayfield, in far northern Wisconsin, are generally closed for the winter. However, establishments including an inn and general store are staying open to cater to the brisk business, Wisconsin Public Radio reported."

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