
J-GOP is a social and political organization that is more than 20 years old. Meeting at the East Side Kosher Deli in SE Denver for many years with 20 to 40 attendees on a regular basis. We welcome both Conservative and Republican minded Jews and non-Jews of any denomination to attend and become active members of our organization.

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 18th Meeting - Speaker: Ann Barnhardt (a must see)

Dear Friends,
The "Religion of Peace" with those secular Taliban folks (according to the Obama
administration) have shown their respect for others once again by honoring the
dead of World War II in a must see video (
An other great video documentary called "Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel".
Please watch, comment and share.

The Colorado Republican Assembly will take place April 13th at the Colorado Convention
Center and April 14th at the Ritchie Center at DU. The J-GOP would like to have
a table, but needs volunteers to cover the locations on Friday and Saturday (enough
for setup and staying most of each day). Please let us know if you can help.

April 18th Speaker: Ann Barnhardt
Ann Barnhardt is described as "a livestock and grain commodity broker and marketing
consultant, American patriot, traditional Catholic, and unwitting counter-revolutionary
blogger. " She has taken on Islam and they have noticed.
Here is her response to a death threat:
To: annbarnhardt
I'm going to kill you when I find you. Don't think I won't, I know where you
and your parents live and all I'll need is one phone-call to kill you all. mufcadnan123!
Re: Watch your back.
Hello mufcadnan123!
You don't need to "find" me. My address is 9175 Kornbrust Circle, Lone Tree, CO
Luckily for you, there are daily DIRECT FLIGHTS from Heathrow to Denver . Here's
what you will need to do. After arriving at Denver and passing through customs,
you will need to catch the shuttle to the rental car facility. Once in your rental
car, take Pena Boulevard to I-225 south. Proceed on I-225 south to I-25 south.
Proceed south on I-25 to Lincoln Avenue which is exit 193. Turn right (west) onto
Lincoln . Proceed west to the fourth light, and turn left (south) onto Ridgegate
Boulevard . Proceed south, through the roundabout to Kornbrust Drive . Turn left
onto Kornbrust Drive and then take an immediate right onto Kornbrust Circle . I'm
at 9175.
Just do me one favor. PLEASE wear body armor. I have some new ammunition that
I want to try out, and frankly, close-quarter body shots without armor would feel
almost unsporting from my perspective. That and the fact that I'm probably carrying
a good 50 I.Q. points on you makes it morally incumbent upon me to spot you a tactical
However, being that you are a miserable, trembling coward, I realize that you
probably are incapable of actually following up on any of your threats without
losing control of your bowels and crapping your pants while simultaneously sobbing
yourself into hyperventilation. So, how about this: why don't you contact the
main mosque here in Denver and see if some of the local musloids here in town would
be willing to carry out your attack for you?
After all, this is what your "perfect man" mohamed did (pig excrement be upon
him). You see, mohamed, being a miserable coward and a con artist, would send other
men into battle to fight on his behalf. Mohamed would stay at the BACK of the
pack and let the stupid, ignorant suckers like you that he had conned into his
political cult do the actual fighting and dying. Mohamed would then fornicate with
the dead men's wives and children. You should follow mohamed's example! Here is
the contact info for the main mosque here in Denver :
Masjid Abu Bakr
Imam Karim Abu Zaid
2071 South Parker Road
Denver, CO 80231
Phone: 303-696-9800
I'm sure they would be delighted to hear from you. Frankly, I'm terribly disappointed
that not a SINGLE musloid here in the United States has made ANY attempt to rape
and behead me. But maybe I haven't made myself clear enough, so let me do that
right now.
I will NEVER, EVER, EVER submit to islam. I will fight islam with every fiber
of my being for as long as I live because islam is pure satanic evil. If you are
really serious about islam dominating the United States and the world, you are
going to have to come through me. You are going to have to kill me. Good luck
with that. And understand that if you or some of your musloid boyfriends do actually
manage to kill me, The Final Crusade will officially commence five minutes later,
and then, despite your genetic mental retardation, you will be made to understand
with crystal clarity what the word "defeat" means. Either way, I win, so come and
get it.
Deo adjuvante non timendum (with the help of God there is nothing to be afraid
Ann Barnhardt

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